Neobux - hands down the best bux which has existed for several years: D a whole lot of earnings, per day over 40 commercials to watch, paid jobs, paid offers, the click is from $ 0,001 to $ 0.02, a day you can earn up to 5 cents a standard account, and 50 cent a premium account, from referrals is up to 100% per click and payout is only $ 2 paid to your PayPal account, Payza and Neteller, if you want to signup, click on the banner on the right
Ptc Solution - another one of the best PTC sites belongs to the Polish Admin Pampers has created an amazing reward program, which is already known around the world! Of course earn per advertisement, paid jobs, paid offers, the game grid (25 chances a day to win the money) and the revenue shares (investment of $ 30 in service after 30 days, we have $ 34.5) from referrals is up to 100% of their earnings, a whole host of attractions makes it very gladly spend time on this site. Payout is only $ 2 paid to your PayPal account and Payza. If you want to save, click on the banner on the right
another great PTC site is Nerdbux straight from TimTech, a day to 10 cents of clicks, paid jobs, pay offer and a whole lot of surprises:) from referrals up to 50% and it all clicks, cheap rental referrals, only 10 cents for one, at least for payment is only $ 4 to paypal and payza, that goes accumulate very quickly, payment is instant if you want to signup, click on the banner on the right
buxp - one of the best in the history of PTC bux, a day we can earn even $ 0.5 and without referrals, ads are refreshed every hour, so the day we have to click the ads, the referrals are up 50% and that of all the ads, the service provides possibility of high-earning, either by yourself or even with a small group of referrals, the payout is only $ 7 paid at paypal and Payza, with the whole possibility of high earnings in the service it is possible even in a few days, also are made contests where you can win free referrals or free advertise, if you want to signup, click on the banner on the right
clickfair - Easy to use and fun for users, daily dozen ads to click, payment is only $ 1 - to be paid on paypal and Payza, earn by watching ads, paid job and paid offers , from referrals up to 50%, the service really worthy command if you want to signup, click on the banner on the right
ojooo watching ads is a phenomenal program, the German corporate website. of referrals earnings up to 100% extra for each of our refferals ugrade get into our account 10$ from ojooo, per day can earn up to 50 cents (upgrade) you can earn extra pay offers and paid watching short videos, the payout is only $ 2 that goes accumulate rather quickly, I encourage you to signup to the program!
ClixSense has been in existence since 2007, the site is still among the most popular PTC and is known throughout the world, the payout is 6 $ paid at paypal and Payza, with referrals up to 40% of their earnings, it is also up to 8 levels of referrals where we get bonus for upgrades and for the purchase of advertising through our referrals, you can download the toolbar to not miss any advertising program really recommendable
Ayuwage - a day to 50 cents of clicks, from referrals 10% of their earnings, the payment is 5$ paid at paypal and Payza, a month ahead can earn two or three payments, even without referrals because of their high personal value clicks, possible to download toolbar - you can not miss any advertising :)
My ads clicks - a very popular program in recent times, earn up to 200% of your earnings and up to 100% of the earnings of our referrals, daily dozen ads to watch, light, fun and easy to use program, the payment of $ 4 payable on paypal and Payza, really recommend it!
Golden Clix - a very interesting program with a whole lot of features to make money, a day is a lot of ads to watch, also earning through paid jobs, paid offers, as well as by watching short videos, with referrals is up to 100% and their earnings, at least to payout is only 5$ at paypal and Payza, the program recommendable!